Something's missing from the buffet table
Helped out with a workshop over the weekend. It was a part of a meaningful programme aimed at turning schools in Singapore into green spaces, with the hope that they will in turn attract wildlife such as birds and butterflies.
As schools are scattered in just about every corner of Singapore, they would make for wonderful green "passages" for wildlife to move around Singapore. Some schools have already done an awesome job greening their compounds!
You would be surprised at what you can do with even small spaces, and at the kinds of animals that will visit.
Anyway, the point of this entry is this - tea break was served but something was conveniently left out from the buffet table.

No plates, cutlery, or cups were provided! Yay to #zerowaste!
Of course, all participants were informed of this beforehand, so they could bring their own if they wanted to.

Here's what I brought - a lock-and-lock container (which is great to takeaway leftovers with as well), a metal mug (that i absolutely love for its old-school look), and a spork (spoon-fork combi; not pictured).
They are really light, so it really isn't too much effort to bring your own. Even if it is a buffet where disposables are provided, you can still bring your own. They make for great conversation starters, and you can spread awareness in the process.
To be honest, I don't always do it myself, but I will try. My friend, who organised this particular event, brings her own everywhere! I still have a long way to go with #zerowaste.
Thank you for reading!
Let's try for #zerowaste, shall we?